6 Beautiful Jute Packaging Ideas

6 Beautiful Jute Packaging Ideas

With more (typically younger) consumers leading a shift towards using environmentally-friendly products, many business owners are becoming eco-conscious too - especially when it comes to packaging. One of the star performers in the eco-friendly material stakes is jute.

Sufio is now available in German and French

Sufio is now available in German and French

We are proud to say that Sufio is one of the most popular invoicing apps for online stores and is used by merchants in more than 75 countries. When we started four years ago, we wanted to make an app that’s compliant with different invoicing legislations and is available to customers around the world.

Trendy Cork Packaging Ideas

Trendy Cork Packaging Ideas
When asked to picture cork, the image of a bottle stopper is one that will spring to mind for many of us. But as businesses explore new ways of designing and manufacturing their products, we’re seeing this amazing natural resource grow in popularity.

How to Use Design to Improve Your Online Store’s Brand

How to Use Design to Improve Your Online Store’s Brand

Design is to business what evolution is to nature: it allows brands to change and survive. When operating an online store, the virtual look and feel of your business are the only things that potential customers have to go on to make up their mind about whether to spend their money with you or not.

How To Build A Brand - 8 Simple Steps To Success

How To Build A Brand

Creating an online store is pretty straightforward but turning that into a successful e-commerce brand is certainly no easy feat. With over 28 million registered small businesses offering competing products, consumers have many options to choose from.

10 Eco-Friendly Packaging Ideas

10 Eco-Friendly Packaging Ideas

With billions of tons of waste filling landfills globally every year, society is becoming increasingly environment - conscious - from eating more sustainably to reusing grocery bags.

Clever Letterbox Packaging Ideas

Clever Letterbox Packaging Ideas

Online shopping. It’s easy, convenient and usually pretty speedy. But many of us will have experienced that moment of returning home to find one of those annoying ‘We’re sorry we missed you!’ cards on the doormat.

A Designer’s Guide to Picking the Perfect Shopify Theme

A Designer’s Guide to Picking the Perfect Shopify Theme

Click to enter any online shop. Intrigued?

An ancient web template with messy menus and illegible fonts probably won’t make you leap for your wallet. A gorgeous, shiny intro page with beautiful imagery and a captivating aesthetic? That’s a whole another story.

How to Select the Perfect Colors for Your Brand

How to Select the Perfect Colors for Your Brand

Why is a brand’s visual identity important?

Today’s market is saturated with products. Everything is more accessible than ever. Price comparison sites help people find the best deal. And yet, people don’t just go for the cheapest option.

How to Set up Taxes in Your Shopify Store

How to Set up Taxes in Your Shopify Store

We know it’s not always easy to make your way through the taxes, especially for online businesses that sell both locally and across borders.

Charging the correct tax rates is vital for your own accounting, as well as that of your customers. And you don’t want to get yourself or them into trouble with tax authorities.

7 Tips to Wholesale If You Run a Small Online Store

7 Tips to Wholesale If You Run a Small Online Store

Wholesale usually brings to mind a picture of something huge. The very definition of wholesale is distributing products at lower prices in large quantities. But then again, define large. 

Even if your online store doesn’t produce in thousands monthly, you can still take advantage of wholesale. And you don’t even have to change your target customer!