Include your customers' DNI/NIF/NIE

If your online store sells to consumers in Spain, you need to include your customers' DNI/NIF/NIE numbers on all the invoices you create.

DNI/NIF/NIE are identification numbers used in Spain to identify consumers and legal entities carrying out commercial activities.

Sufio allows you to capture your customers' DNI/NIF/NIE and automatically include them on your invoices.

Since Shopify does not allow you to add additional fields to the checkout form, you can capture your customers' DNI/NIF/NIE numbers on different pages in your online store.

Customer registration page

You can add a new DNI/NIF/NIE field to your Shopify store's customer registration form. This will allow your customers' to enter their tax identification number when setting up their new customer accounts on your online store.

DNI/NIF/NIE numbers will be stored as part of customer notes, and Sufio will automatically include them on your invoices.

To add the DNI/NIF/NIE input field to the customer registration form:

  1. In your Shopify admin, go to the Online Store → Themes page.
  2. Click the Actions button, then click Edit code.
  3. Select customers/register.liquid in the left sidebar. You can also use the upper search bar for a faster search.
  4. Insert the following code snippet inside the <form>. A good place for the code is just before the Email field.
<!-- Capture DNI/NIF/NIE on the Customer Registration page. Used by Sufio ( -->
<label for="company_no">DNI/NIF/NIE</label>
<input id="company_no" type="text" name="customer[note][Company Number]" placeholder="DNI/NIF/NIE" />

Cart page

As an alternative, you can capture DNI/NIF/NIE on the cart page. Your customers will then be able to enter it just before the checkout process.

DNI/NIF/NIE numbers will be stored as a cart attribute, and Sufio will automatically include them on your invoices.

To add the DNI/NIF/NIE input field to the cart page:

  1. In your Shopify admin, go to the Online Store → Themes page.
  2. Click the Actions button, then click Edit code.
  3. Select cart.liquid (or cart-template.liquid) in the left sidebar. You can also use the upper search bar for a faster search.
  4. Insert the code snippet inside the <form>. A good place for the field is just before the Check out button.
<!-- Capture DNI/NIF/NIE on the Cart page. Used by Sufio ( -->
<div class="company-number">
  <label for="company_no">DNI/NIF/NIE</label>
  <input type="text" id="company_no" name="attributes[Company Number]" value="{{ cart.attributes['Company Number'] }}">


If your store uses cart drawer (also called ajax cart), this code snippet needs to be added to a different file than cart.liquid. In most cases, it needs to be added to ajax-cart-template.liquid file.

Need help?

Do you need help with customizing your Shopify store theme? Please contact our experienced support team. We'll be happy to assist!