View VAT Exemptions

If your business is VAT registered and based in the EU, you're most likely familiar with the VAT exemption requirements that you need to apply to your EU business customers.

Sufio makes it easy—allowing you to capture and validate EU VAT registration numbers from your business customers on your Shopify store and, when applicable, automatically set them as tax-exempt.

EU VAT Exemptions page in Sufio

An overview of VAT Exemption requests from the EU business customers

The View VAT Exemptions page can be used to review and troubleshoot VAT exemption requests made on your online store. It lists all successful, as well as unsuccessful exemption requests, and allows you to filter them by their status.

To access the View VAT Exemptions page:

  1. In your Sufio account, go to the Settings → Taxes page.
  2. Click on View VAT Exemptions.

In this article, we'll guide you through, as well as help you troubleshoot any errors that may occur. We'll discuss:

Tax-exemption request statuses

There are a few statuses that provide you with useful information and specify what the final result of the tax-exemption request was.


When Sufio sets your customer as tax-exempt successfully, the Exempt status appears.

Your customer is set as tax-exempt either after inserting a valid VAT number or by marking him as tax-exempt in your Shopify admin manually. The Exempt status also appears for customers that were previously set as tax-exempt (both manually or by previous successful exemption requests).

Not Exempt

The Not exempt status tells us that some conditions, necessary to tax-exempt a customer, have not been met. The available notes will help you to learn more and understand the case entirely.

Notes for the Not Exempt status

Note Description
Invalid country The customer’s country is not valid.
This means that the VAT number is not prefixed by a correct two-letter country code of the EU country.
Country not exempt Customers from this country should not be tax-exempt.
In most cases, this means that the customer is based in the same country as your Shopify store. These customers should not be tax-exempt—When selling to consumers (B2C) and businesses (B2B) in your home country, you should always charge VAT.
Invalid VAT number The provided VAT number is not valid.
The number was not in a valid format, or the EU VIES VAT number validation service did not validate it.
Account country Tax exemptions are not available for your country.
Make sure you have set your Company’s country to an EU country. To do that, in your Sufio account, go to the Settings → Company Profile page.
Unable to process Unable to process the exemption request.
There was a technical problem with processing the request.


If Sufio marks a VAT exemption request as Skipped, it means that there was a piece of information missing in order to successfully perform the request. Or, it may also mean that your settings are not set properly. To fully comprehend the status, always look at the Note column, which contains the needed explanation.

Notes for the Skipped status

Note Description
No email No email address was provided by this customer.
No VAT number No VAT number has been provided by this customer.
Customer not found The customer with a given email address has not been found in your online store.
Exemptions disabled VAT exemptions are not enabled in your Sufio account.
To fix that, in your Sufio account, go to the Settings → Taxes page, and enable the EU VAT Exemption feature.

Troubleshooting the EU VAT exemptions

Setting up the EU VAT exemptions correctly for your Shopify store is crucial in order to charge the right taxes to your business customers. However, it might happen that the tax-exemption request has not been successful. There are three possible causes as to why that happened:

EU VAT Exemptions are disabled

The most frequent reason why Sufio does not process the exemption request successfully is that the EU VAT Exemptions feature is not enabled; consequently, the request is marked as Skipped.

To enable the EU VAT Exemptions feature:

  1. In your Sufio account, go to the Settings → Taxes page.
  2. Turn the Enable EU VAT Exemptions toggle on.
  3. Save your changes by clicking on Update Settings.

Additionally, users on Standard or higher plans can have Sufio validate the VAT registration numbers through the EU VIES number validation service. To set this, make sure you have the Validate VAT Numbers feature enabled:

  1. In your Sufio account, go to the Settings → Taxes page.
  2. Turn the Validate VAT Numbers toggle on.
  3. Save your changes by clicking on Update Settings.

Missing or no exemption requests available

If you do not see any or just some exemption requests on your VAT Exemptions page, it might be that the code snippet capturing VAT numbers on your Shopify store and calling the exemption request is not inserted correctly or is in conflict with another Shopify app you’re using.

Need help?

This troubleshooting requires some coding knowledge. Do you need any assistance? Please, get in touch with our experienced support team. We’ll be pleased to assist.

To get more insight, please follow these simple steps:

Sufio EU VAT Exemption request troubleshooting with Chrome

The Network tab in Chrome can help you check whether the EU VAT Exemption request was successful.

If using Chrome:

  1. Open your Shopify store page.
  2. Open the Inspect tool (right-click → Inspect)
  3. Navigate to the Network tab and make sure you have Preserve log checked.
  4. Enter a valid VAT number in one of the VAT number input fields and proceed.
  5. Search the list of recorded network calls for sufio to see if your code snippet is calling our service correctly.

Sufio EU VAT Exemption request troubleshooting with Safari

Network tab in Safari can help you check whether the EU VAT Exemption request was successful.

If using Safari:

  1. Open your Shopify store page.
  2. Inspect the element (right-click → Inspect the element)
  3. Navigate to Network tab and make sure you have Preserve log checked.
  4. Enter a valid VAT number in one of the VAT number input fields and proceed.
  5. Search the list of recorded network calls for sufio to see if your code snippet is calling our service correctly.

If the call has been given the status cancelled, it may be that the code snippet is not inserted accurately. We recommend having a look at it, making sure all the necessary steps when updating the store theme have been followed.

Need help?

Do you need help with customizing your Shopify store theme? Please contact our experienced support team. We'll be happy to assist!

Tax-exempt customers in Shopify still get charged VAT

If you have your business customers set as tax-exempt in your Shopify store, but they still get taxes charged on their orders, your tax calculations are most likely not set well.

To make tax-exemptions work, you need to set up EU taxes in your Shopify store correctly.